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Glass fiber in the composite materials industry chain develo

Source:未知Author:admin Addtime:2018-02-02 15:40 Click:
Composite materials in the field of building and construction play a huge role in the field of industrial equipment, huge space for development, while the domestic fiberglass downstream applications pending further development. According to the current composite materials industry chain development priorities, the development of glass fiber industry is facing five points.
Keywords: Production Technology Application Performance Certification
    The first point of development, to further improve performance fiber production technology, and pay attention to their application performance, expand the application and pass the certification. Fiberglass go a personalized roadmap. Industry has called on the international science services, services to reflect the personality, like to wear clothes, you like this, he likes that. Industry must slowly learn to walk this road. For example, say the past is the E-glass fiber glass fiber, C glass fiber, glass fiber both the standards of national unity, to meet this requirement to comply with national standards, which is unity. Now out of a variety of fibers, uniform standards requirements have been impossible. You say you do me the length of the length of high availability, you say your performance is good, I need here is that the performance rather than the performance, which reflects the importance of a personalized, so this is the development trend. Meanwhile fiberglass performance but also through certification. Now fiberglass wind turbine blades less than half of domestic capacity, why do we produce so many fiberglass localization only half? Now the field of high-end high-performance products to be used to its certification process requirements are high. For example, aerospace certification requirements are high, leaves a large investment, the certification requirements are high, and there is no authentication client can not use. Now every big business should pay attention to this issue, the more the more high-tech things to pay attention to its effects and the use of certified, there is no certification can not enter the high-tech fields.
Keywords: presoak preformed
    Another point of development, the reinforcing material is technically presoak and to achieve the industrialization of the preform, the composite material forming the further facilitate conditions. Enhancer used in a lot of aspects of the past are woven Plaid, now abroad, mainly to the wall molding, the composite mat can be placed in a mold to make a pre-column. Presoak preformed industry has developed rapidly in a foreign country, the country does not break. This is a composite material development needs extending in one direction. In these respects the country also are exploring. In comparison, the carbon fiber industry to explore better, but glass must also go to this development. We must be in original reinforced base development technology breakthroughs and achieve presoak preformed industrialization, in driving the further development while reinforcing substrate to facilitate the application of composite materials.
Keywords: Coating Products Coating Process
    The third point is the development of new functional coating products to expand and improve. In fiberglass products, the coating material is made of what the finished product functionality decision. Such as inorganic suspensions highest tolerable temperature may reach 900 degrees to 1000 degrees, coating after become refractory products. Today, many enterprises are coated products, to directly meet the application requirements and development of diverse functional requirements of coating materials and coating processes, extend the application of industrial textiles.